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09 May 2024 22:51:06
A PL footballer runs between 6-8 miles per game on average we have been doing this twice a week all season with our injury hit squad thus also with the added pressure of other players closing you down and prone to mistakes I would love it if some could walk 15 miles a week for 38 weeks of the year see how your aches and pains take it.


1.) 11 May 2024 05:30:34
The flip of that Daz is I could easily do 15 miles per week for 38 weeks if I had a top nutritional programme, regular massages and other recuperation protocols, and would be nice if I got £100K a week to do it too, just sayin’ ??‍♂️


2.) 11 May 2024 08:59:19
All-star, football fans like you are a big problem within the game.
They aren't just doing 2 games a week. They have matches, training, gym work, tactical meetings, charity visits, press engagements and then homework watching clips.
Mental exhaustion plays just as much a part as physical exhaustion. Having to take in so much information and then having to constantly second guess your opponent during the game will be tiring in itself. Add to that the constant barrage from pitchside from fans and coaches.
Your response is similar to a first time marathon runner. It feels like it'll be easy because in the first few miles the lactic acid hasn't built up yet. They then realise each mile gets much harder because less oxygen/blood flow is making it to the necessary areas.
Ice baths and cryochambers only do so much, especially when you're right back at it less than 36 hours later.

3.) 11 May 2024 09:42:27
RK, we won the league in 81 in a 48 game domestic season, using if i remember right only 13 players, half of whom probs went the pub straight after training/matches, so near enough zero ‘recovery’ protocols? If you say the games is faster these days, give your head a wobble. We have exceeded all expectations this season and I’m proud of them, my gripe is in Jan we could’ve made some smart moves in the market to be in the title race, we bought youth team full backs and an Aussie keeper when we should’ve been going for Dybala, Jorghino (who has just signed a deal extension, for the prem leaders) to push us on. Morgan was a good buy as he has shown, I want Villa to win things, I can handle a bit of lactic acid if it makes me a winner


4.) 11 May 2024 13:08:25
They didn't do half the work they do now 40 years ago, try actually doing some research and you'll see number of sprints, running speed and distance covered are all far higher than they were. That also doesn't take into account all the additional gym work which was non existent even in the 90s.
You also clearly don't understand how lactic acid and muscle fatigue works. As much as you might want to keep running through that brick wall, the body just refuses to hit the levels you want it to.

5.) 11 May 2024 23:40:33
RK, this is coming across like you’re trying to win an argument, I’ve expressed an opinion and I’ll stand by what I sad, and it applies to all elite athletes, not just Villa players


6.) 12 May 2024 07:43:28
It's an attempt at education rather than an argument because this is about science and not something subjective.
As I see you've treated this in the same vein of Covid deniers where opinion outweighs evidence there's clearly no helping you.

7.) 12 May 2024 10:58:25
Your last post tells me all I need to know, poor form basing your opinion on my lack of scientific knowledge not knowing that from my late teens I’ve lifted weights and have a vast knowledge of supplements/nutrition/training methods but let’s not let that get in the way of you trying to win an argument, which was never my intention to be involved in


8.) 12 May 2024 12:02:03
Different disciplines but you should be able to apply some comparisons.
A weightlifter in competition every 3 days will at some point be at a disadvantage to one at a similar level who competes once a week.
It's not that the team can't run but it should be patently obvious that an opponent who has had 7 days controlled training and recuperation has an advantage physically over one that had to compete at a high level 3 days prior.

9.) 12 May 2024 15:10:19
If the players get too tired, maybe they should look for an occupation that isn't so demanding.

I mean Man City don't seem to have a problem and they've played more games than we have, as have Liverpool and other clubs around Europe.

10.) 12 May 2024 17:55:37
No they don't RHLT but they have squad of 25 that are fit we dont

11.) 12 May 2024 18:28:34
RK, I totally get your point and where you’re coming from but I disagree with you. We’re talking about elite athletes that have the support network that should make them perform at 100% barring carrying an injury. When I trained I’d done a full days manual work on a building site and still train to my maximum, otherwise I’d just be going through the motions, which for the last few games it looks like our team has. Above all I want Villa to win, maybe I’m old school but I’d be going through walls to make that happen, not come up with excuses for why it hasn’t (last few games) ??‍♂️




12 Feb 2024 18:41:31
We are well and truly cursed with injuries this season now Kamara out for season our luck has got to change soon




02 Feb 2023 10:07:51
Hi ED02 sorry to bother you but I know your clued up when it comes to things about FFP.Im sure I read somewhere but I can't find it with regards the Danny Ings transfer what I did muster from it was that Ings was sold to free up some funds as he was alone on 10% of our wages and selling him was the only option to free up funds for the Summers activity? I know you've mentioned it countless times on other sites but just wanted clearing up on here many thanks??


{Ed002's Note - Ings was not taking up 10% of the wages at Aston Villa, but he was on a significant wage - and there are still two or three polayers at the club earning more. The reason he was sold was with 18 months left on his contract the club could still get a decent return on him - a couple of clubs were keen - and the offer from West Ham was seen as decent so it worked out well for everyone.}

1.) 02 Feb 2023 12:36:09
Cheers Ed It wasn't too clear what I read but that's cleared it up for me thank you



01 Aug 2021 17:11:28
Jack grealish pictured in full Villa traimimg gear today all over twitter.


1.) 01 Aug 2021 17:29:15
Sadly doesn't mean much more than a deal is not agreed yet, he's professional and was due back in training so has shown up to his credit. Think we will find out tomorrow what is happening, expect an announcement either way tomorrow, this saga has to be out to rest either way immediately.



05 Jul 2021 20:30:59
I'm hearing a new contract has been signed and all will be revealed along with the new kit on the same day if its true and I have no reason to doubt this person then I'm sure all Villa fans will be very happy indeed.


1.) 05 Jul 2021 22:21:21
This contact reliable Daz? Would be amazing news!

2.) 06 Jul 2021 06:38:25
Very BK i don't normally post rumours as I don't believe in them.

3.) 06 Jul 2021 16:49:20
Fingers crossed Daz, I'd like to see this concluded either way - If Grealish wants to go we need to make this as painless and quick as possible, take the 100M and reinvest smartly. If he is staying, like your mate suggests then I'll be over the moon, that'll be a real statement of intent from Villa.

4.) 06 Jul 2021 18:39:00
Where has this 100m come from, I know of no concrete evidence that is the figure that would trigger his release.
It was 88m last week, all speculation in my book, time will tell.
The chances are it will never happen, if it does we will be some way off with our maths.

5.) 06 Jul 2021 20:42:51
For the record, I 99% think Jack will stay, but it’s going through my mind that as he’s a Villa fan and would want the best for the club and he decides it’s time to move on, that’s why we got Buendia in early? and going for ESM so aggressively as reported? Just thinking out loud 🤔


6.) 06 Jul 2021 21:14:03
Ally very true, but that doesn`t answer the question where the 100m came from.

7.) 07 Jul 2021 01:16:02
It was rumoured that city were going to bid 100 million for him, then that 1 source wrote an article about the 88 million deal already agreed, all pure speculation in my book.
if jack had let’s just say 2 years left on his contract, wanted to leave and we needed the money I’d say 100 million would be the ball park to buy him, but he has 4 years left, owners don’t need cash, he’s club captain of his boyhood club and the only desire he has talked about is winning trophies, in my opinion I think it’s going to take 140-150 million to get that deal done this year or even next year, I think city will bid but won’t go high enough for us to accept and I predict he will sign a new contract probably with a release clause of around 120-130 million, if you want him pay up and if you don’t want to pay then do 1, simples.

8.) 07 Jul 2021 05:23:12
Well said Whackie


9.) 07 Jul 2021 17:27:43
I agree with the sentiments in the above posts and that works well unless Jack decides he wants a move.




Villadaz's banter posts with other poster's replies to Villadaz's banter posts


22 Jul 2024 18:06:46
I thought I'd let the dust settle before posting about selling Luiz and Diaby between them they both had over 20+ goals and assists this is going to be a great loss and hopefully with the new signings made they can make the same contributions.So far I'd give this window a solid 8/10 with recuperating over 100 million in sales thus far.Personally I think there is going to be at least another 4 departing especially those who have 1 year left on their contracts.On another note I drove past VP yesterday and saw a new mural being done I took a photo and posted it on Twitter I have to say the club has done magnificent this pre season and the new kit looks amazing too I'm going to stick my neck on the line here and I truly believe this that we will finish top 3 this season fingers crossed.UTV


1.) 22 Jul 2024 19:06:57
Good window so far, yeh we are losing goals and assists but if we take those into account we then have to take into account the goals and assists scored by the players we have bought in, I think rogers will have a huge contribution this season with goals and assists, mattsen has decent assist stats aswel, digne and Moreno haven’t had to many.
not sure about top 3 but very confident that we will get top 4 ?

2.) 22 Jul 2024 20:10:06
Yep iam aswell top2 places city, n gooners,3rd lpool, 4th is villa i reckon i think the squad is better in my opinion aslong as we replace diaby, our lb is an upgrade on the other 2, onnana is better than dougie by that i mean he will work harder in games, and in biddace he could replace diaby his talent is class



14 May 2024 22:18:57
Wow just wow I'm in Kos and and all the Greeks in the bar cheering on Villa let it sink in we are A Champions Legue team from where we have come from 5 years ago it's huge so huge financially for us globally Aston Villa Football Club is back baby and everyone of the staff and players get A A++++ from me sleep well Villians it's going to be one hell of a season next season UTFV




09 May 2024 22:04:56
It don't take a rocket scientist to know what we are missing our players are on their knees dying for the cause in Emery's 1st full season a European semi final and A Champions League spot in our grasp if in your mind you are not happy with that with our injuries and tiredness then go and support another team we as a club don't need them it's embarrassing and you make yourselfs look like fools VIlla from the cradle Villa to my grave!


1.) 09 May 2024 23:34:47
Well said daz, it’s a hard one to swallow but a really positive season and boy did I enjoy the most of it, few bumps along the way but more good than bad……. VTID ?



09 May 2024 21:56:02
One thing is for sure you will not here me crictise not one of these playes or manager it has been a fantastic season no matter what I'll leave the moaning to the usual suspects UTFV!




09 May 2024 17:54:19
So not moving from B6 and a 5 percent rise on season tickets for next season and rail seating in the Holte also Hecks moving





Villadaz's rumour replies


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12 May 2024 17:55:37
No they don't RHLT but they have squad of 25 that are fit we dont




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09 May 2024 22:08:13
What LOTM says also




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09 Mar 2024 11:54:23
Good thread for me personally I'd sell Kamara who cost nothing and Ramsey who also cost us nothing and Digne who is one of the highest paid this should get us near 80 million and with other revenue should give us circa 100 million hopefully that will be enough to help with restructuring.




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19 Jul 2023 15:55:40
Ooo welcome back Chris




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16 Jul 2023 18:18:25
The big one they are talking about Dave is Lukaku.Personally I think he will be a bit disruptive in our dressing room seems a bit of a journey man to me hope this is not true.





Villadaz's banter replies


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14 Jun 2024 18:00:52
All about resale value LOTM




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12 Jun 2024 13:19:10
I'll translate for you Ed he's asking basically with the slaes we are getting will that hel0 with our FFP/PSR? I think that's what he means anyway


{Ed001's Note - it depends on the agent fees and wages of the players. It could be a negative if those add up to more than the outgoing's from Luiz.}



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11 Jun 2024 21:17:20
Personally I will miss Luiz but if the deal goes through and the 2 players touted are coming at least they will have Champions League experience which is what is needed for next season.The board know what they are doing let's leave it to the expertsx




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15 May 2024 11:24:25
Spot on Whack




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14 May 2024 12:43:16
Post of the season award goes to? ???
