11 Feb 2024 18:30:21
Not a good performance cash is a donkey shouldn't be in starting 11, wheels are coming off you can see it

{Ed014's Note - to be fair you had loads of chances to beat that over rated pile of 5hite!

1.) 11 Feb 2024
11 Feb 2024 19:29:23
No point talking to him Ed he does not understand the game in my opinion, you only need to look at the stats to see how much of the game we dominated

{Ed014's Note - yes mate, thought you deserved the win easily, they only scored from a set piece then caught you when you were pushing for the deserved winner.

United are literally winging it and I’m so glad they’ve got that bald fake of a manager.

2.) 11 Feb 2024
11 Feb 2024 20:29:14
I don't under stand the game lol ok whack and you do mate funny

{Ed014's Note - you didn’t have a single positive thing to say about how well you played, just slagged off one of your players. ?‍♂️

3.) 11 Feb 2024
11 Feb 2024 20:46:26
Thats some of our fanbase for you Ed embarrassing to say the least

{Ed014's Note - I realise you didn’t get the right result your play deserved but to slag players off after that is nuts!

4.) 11 Feb 2024
11 Feb 2024 21:14:24
Thats because i don't think we played that well that's why, and cash was shocking at fault for both goals

{Ed014's Note - it’s all about opinions jonny, that’s just an odd one after that performance for me.

5.) 11 Feb 2024
11 Feb 2024 21:23:13
We lost so it doesn't matter its about winning that counts or drawing

6.) 11 Feb 2024
11 Feb 2024 22:14:16
Fans like that we don’t need, I don’t even believe that your an adult, between the comments you post on here and the childish crap you were posting on the wolves banter page it has teenager written all over it