07 Dec 2023 14:31:59
Obviously I read the digs following last night's performance and based on last night fully deserved and I hope Bailey carries on playing like last night.In my defence I haven't been alone in voicing my concerns about Leon's performances. Emery has the ability to raise players games, Konsa, Ollie, Digne, Dougie are prime examples, perhaps Bailey has joined this group, I sincerely hope so.I will always continue to give my honest views on here and I hope others will do the same, just because you are faithful Villa fans doesn't mean that you can't criticise when justified and in Baileys case some of this has been fully justified, let's hope this is in the past. ps my opinion of Zaniolo will never change and he will be gone in May.

1.) 07 Dec 2023
07 Dec 2023 16:15:38
Dave agree on Bailey, my problem with him, is his involvement in games . Last night you could see he was definitely up for it, no going missing, he wanted it . Emery certainly working wonders, it looks like his magic is working on Bailey.

2.) 07 Dec 2023
07 Dec 2023 16:50:41
Dave, some on here get very touchy and sometimes the truth is unpalatable, Bailey is a confidence player, unfortunately, in the past it hasn't taken a lot for him to go missing, hope this is a thing of the past.

3.) 07 Dec 2023
07 Dec 2023 21:24:07
Its all about Me Me Me Me why can't you just enjoy a great victory instead of trying to patronise people on here?

4.) 08 Dec 2023
08 Dec 2023 00:55:04
David D, see exactly what I mean about touchy, I enjoyed the football and corrected some previous comments, no pleasing some.